Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Latest Bead Society News!

Alright, welcome to the Santa Cruz Bead Society's blog! We're making our way in this truly electronic age, oh yes! If you've made it this far, you probably already are aware but it is worth mentioning in this, our first, blog post. We are a non-profit group that meets one time per month to discuss all things having to do with beads. We've got a monthly meeting and would love for you to join us. There is more to say about what we do and who we are. If you are interested in this information, please visit our website at http://www.santacruzbeadsociety.org.

We have some potentially exciting topics to discuss at the August meeting including the topics below. My main hope is that those in attendance, or you dear reader (so long as you are local to Santa Cruz), will get excited about these topics and select areas to help out and/or participate. So, here are the topics for this week:

1) Monthly meeting change
Due to the change in the closing time of the Santa Cruz Public Library, Central Branch where the SCBS has been meeting for over one year, the meeting time has been changed from the 1st Thursday to the 2nd Saturday of each month. The new meeting time is 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Because the library opens at 11:00 am, an 11:30 am start-time for SCBS meetings allows for 30 minutes of set-up time for guest speakers.

2) Member's Work on the website
Would you like to share your work with the world and promote the Santa Cruz Bead Society at the same time? Now, there is a place on society website which showcases the work of our members at http://www.santacruzbeadsociety.org/memberswork.htm. You could have your very own page like this with your name: http://www.santacruzbeadsociety.org/colleenhindson.htm which would come in handy if you'd like to pursue this art and craft as an avenue for recognition or income. If you consider yourself a member of our group, please send images of your work, your contact info (optional), and titles of the pieces to me, Rachel, to contact@msrachel.com.

3) Displaying our work @ the Santa Cruz Public Library
So far, I've briefly discussed this with Sue at the library. The display case on the first level is usually reserved for displaying library-related materials. She will call me back with news as to whether she will be able to display beadwork of the SCBS or not.

4) Beading Competition
The competition would be organized by SCBS and sponsored by local bead store Bead It. Winning pieces would be displayed in the Bead It front window on Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz. I spoke with Bead It today and they will make a final decision to approve this format. Timeline and awards are also yet to be determined.

5) Participating in the Santa Cruz County Fair
Imagine becoming "award-winning" and promoting awareness of beads in Santa Cruz at the same time. Each year we have that opportunity through entries in the County Fair. While there is not a section tailor-made to beaded jewelry we may enter in the "Senior Home Arts Department #220" and "Collections and Hobbies #215".
It may be possible to create a separate category and display separately in the future, but we must create awareness first.

6) Speakers and events
Please suggest speakers and events. We do not have a flow of cash so special guests must be willing to speak to us in return for our adoration and a small amount of publicity. When suggesting events, please be willing to participate in organizing them.

Alright, the intention with this indept post is to share info with interested parties and to post follow-up after discussion at the meeting. If you have input, please join us at the meeting or make a comment below!

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